DWG to DGN Conversion
If you work regularly with both AutoCAD and MicroStation, O2I can help you convert between DWG and DGN and DGN and DWG file formats seamlessly.
Employing both manual and software-based conversion methods, we ensure that the dimensional accuracy and the original specs are adhered to. Multiple levels of quality checks help in removing and rectifying any errors. Layers are also differentiated in the outputted file allowing you to further edit the file fully.
Features of DWG to DGN and DGN to DWG Conversion Services -
Experience in developing and using a variety of CAD tools
Experience working with projects ranging from architectural plans, commercial blueprints and machine drawings and mechanical drawings
Document management system in place to arrange and archive drawings based on logical assembly flow for easy retrieval
Standalone application, no AutoCAD or MicroStation required
Part, assembly and file naming conventions, folder structures for storage and layer and font styles are decided in discussion with the customer before the start of a project and are adhered to rigorously
Our team can also work with the latest version of AutoCAD and MicroStation
Process flow is designed to include the validation of the quality of input data as well as the output at every stage
Supports batch conversion
Mechanical Design Services Process
01. Requirement Analysis
We meet with the client to discuss their business challenges and project requirements.
02. Strategic Planning
Based on the client's requirements, our team lays down a strategic plan to tackle challenges
03. Implementation
We initiate the project and implement solutions with the SLAs in mind.
04. Quality Assurance
Based on the client's requirements, our team lays down a strategic plan to tackle challenges
05. Delivery
we deliver the results or files to the client in the desired format
We provide our clients with highly flexible and affordable pricing options which will suit their business requirements and budget perfectly.
We have huge skilled workforce. It empowers us to offer quick turnarounds to our clients without compromising quality.
We have access to the best infrastructure in terms of quality tools and technologies and world-class office spaces.​
​We have skilled and experienced mechanical engineers who ensure that all project SLAs are fulfilled. Our engineers hail from diverse backgrounds; we bring a rare amalgamation of skills to the table.
We believe in delivering quality services and error-free solutions. We ensure that our deliverables adhere to global delivery standards.
We have the infrastructure to ramp up the resources for your project on short notice. We scale up service requirements as and when the client needs them without impacting deadlines..